The more time I spend back in the U.S the more I ask myself the same question over and over again: “Where’s home?” My dad is in Thailand, and I’ll be back there soon enough, too, along with my whole family. The only problem is that, though that is where I live - I have a house and a family there - I don’t really belong there. I don’t fit in. I’m a foreigner, not a citizen. The people there are kind. They treat me nicely, as long as I am nice to them. But, it’s not really my home. I am allowed to live in the country. That’s it. The other problem is that the United States isn’t my home either. I have friends here, family members, too, but I don’t have an actual house. I sold my house and moved away. I might look like everyone else around here, but I’ve spent the last two years in ...
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