When I returned to the States and talked to people living there, I discovered that people seemed very interested in what my family and I are doing, but they didn’t know what to ask so that they could figure out more about us. I’ve also learned that there are a few questions that should be avoided and others that I really enjoy answering. I thought I’d list some of them off for you so that you could know what to look out for, and what questions might be good conversation starters! Don’t . . . Ask me how it feels to be “back home.” I don’t even know how to answer this question. I have lived in Thailand for a little over two years now. Some of the toughest things that I have ever been through happened in this beautiful country. I have a lot of friends here. My house is here, and my family is here. So when you ask “How does it feel to be back home?” it can make me both confused and annoyed. Questions spin through my head, such as, “Um . . . I don’t know if I even am home,” a...
A place for creativity and imagination through words