Why do we care so much about what other people
think? Why does it even matter? We are self-conscious about things that we
don’t need to be self-conscious about. About how much we weigh, what our hair
color is, what our eye color is, how tall or short we are, how we sound when we
sing, our voice-pitch in general. . . why does it matter? What’s the point?
Listen to me when
I say this: you are perfect just the way you are. As long as you are healthy,
it really doesn’t matter how you think you look, because I can tell you that
you are beautiful. How do I know that? Because God gave you that eye color. He
gave you that skin color and that hair color and that body shape. He made you
as tall as you are and He thinks you’re beautiful. In fact, He knows you’re beautiful. What do you
think of that?
If that isn’t
enough for you, then may I just say that, not only did God make you the way you
are, but he wanted to make you in the first place? He looked at the earth and
thought that we needed one of you.
So, next time you
look in the mirror and think, “I’m not pretty enough” or “I’m not tall enough”
or “I’m not skinny enough,” just remember that God wanted you, and he still wants you. You are special. You
are gorgeous. Remember that always, because it makes God sad every time you say
those things. It hurts Him and makes His heart ache.

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