Dear Emma,

We have so many memories
together, my dear little sister, and I can hardly believe that you’re turning
eleven today. We’ll soon be able to make new memories, and we’ll go on new
adventures but, for now, I’m going to remind you of some of my favorites.
I can remember so many
things about our fantastic adventures (and, when I say fantastic, I mean
fantastic). We travelled all over the world in our imaginations, and then we
actually did end up travelling across
the world . . . that’s a different story, of course.
When we were little – you
were probably around seven and I was around ten – we played one of the best
games ever invented. I’ve no idea what we decided to call it, but I do remember
that it was all because of the Monsterology book we have. Our fort, which stood
out in our yard with a pole and a slide, was our underwater base. Brennan was
the leader of said underwater base, and every time we looked up, we could see
amazing sea-monsters swimming above us. This fort and these monsters were
usually filled with disaster, and it was Maggie who helped us fight off all the
You and I also really
like making Blanket Forts – and I am the master. Often times, we make up new
stories that don’t have anything to do with the last, but the latest I can
remember was that I was a companion to the Eleventh Doctor, you were a
companion to the Tenth Doctor, and we were both trapped in some odd dimension
and we had no idea where we were. We didn’t know that we were both companions, either . . .
apparently, and at one point or another, Brennan – Bigfoot, of course –
attacked our outpost and we had to make a run for it. Eventually, the Doctors
came for us, and we acted surprised.
I can also remember, one
Christmas, we slid ourselves underneath the Christmas tree, and looked up at
all the ornaments. You turned to me and asked, “What should we play?” We
decided that we’d be adventurers travelling through a dangerous forest. Long
story short, we made it out alive.
Needless to say, we have
gigantic imaginations that make very little sense. But, imagination doesn’t
have to make sense, does it?
Emma, you are the
absolute BEST little sister I could ever ask for, and I love you with all my
heart. Thanks for letting your imagination run wild with me – and don’t stop
just because you’re getting older.
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