Because of recent events
in America – getting a new president – (I mean, it wasn’t THAT long ago that
Barrack Obama was starting his second term . . . right?) I have begun to
realize that I go through my day acting like no time is passing at all. Then
the day comes to an end. The sun rises again. I go back to doing basically the
same thing I did yesterday . . . again hardly realizing that time is passing.
Things move so slowly in my head, but when
they’ve ended it feels like I was completely robbed of the day. It feels like
the year went by in no time. I often think about my life in the United States –
remembering a time that seems so recent. Back when I lived in another country. When
I saw the world differently. When I had loads of friends that I’d known my
whole life, and when my dad was a pastor. I know that I haven’t lived there for
two years, but it seems like it was yesterday. It feels like that time was
robbed from me and I didn’t get to enjoy it enough. Or . . . maybe I didn’t
savor it enough?

But, when I think about it very carefully, I
realize that time teaches us something important. The time passing teaches us
not to be afraid of the future and not to forget the past, because we’ve
survived both before. Both are gifts too often overlooked. I know I overlook
it. So . . . look forward and make sure to never forget what happened to you a long
time ago. But remember to live now, because you won’t have now forever.
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