it: you’re sitting down to your computer, thrilled about a new book idea that
you’ve been planning for ages and have finally allowed yourself to write. You
open a new Word document and set your hands on the keyboard. And . . . you
writer – whether you write essays, books, short stories or poems – has faced
the threat of a blank page and a blinking cursor. You have an amazing idea (or
you’re being forced to write a school essay) and you’re ready to write it, but
something is holding you back. There’s just a bit of doubt that creeps into
your head.
a world of stories on that empty page, and you don’t know how to start it. I
feel this every time I start a new novel, or a new blogpost, or an essay for
school. There’s just something intimidating about a blank page and the threat
of a bad grade or a terrible book.
can’t tell you any for sure ways to get past this “immediate writer’s block,”
but I can give you a list of the different things I do to try and help me out. Let’s
get started, shall we?
Refresh My Memory

helps me because I now know what I am wanting to write, and it’s fresh in my
mind. It’s much easier to write if you actually know what you’re going to type,
isn’t it?
Write Something Else
I have no idea what I’m going to write in my latest novel, I move on to an
older one that I’m editing. Getting my mind off the main project can actually
help me focus more on the planned target.
found that this works because it’s much less stressful to work on something
that you already know how it’s going to turn out. If I’m on the second or third
draft of a book and choose to write draft #1 of another but I can’t figure out
how to start it, I go to something familiar and calm myself down before going
back to my newbie.
Walk Away Completely

Put On a Little Music
helps my brain process things, too. I have music playlists for every book that
I’m working on, and I make them before I even start writing. This way, I can
remember what I’m focusing on/the main points. You don’t even have to put on the music, either. Sometimes, when I
don’t want to listen to music but I still need a little push to help me figure
out what to write, I’ll read through the titles of the songs.

Get Advice from a Writing Buddy
have a couple of writing buddies (heya guys!) that I turn to whenever I can’t
figure out what I should write next, or even first. I’ll shoot them a message
and say, “This is what it’s supposed to be about, how do you think I should
start it?” Though writing buddies can’t give
you the answer for how you can start it, it can be nice to have a second
brain to brainstorm with.
some of these might seem silly, or even unnecessary. But, trust me on this,
they’re helpful. It’s great to have second opinions, breaks, and refresh my
memory on what I’m planning to write. There’s no reason to stare at that blank
page and blinking cursor – I believe in you! So, next time you’re stuck, try
one of these methods, and see if maybe, just maybe, you can get down that great
idea that’s been sitting in your head (or the essay you’re being forced to
you have any different ways you get passed that blank page and blinking cursor?
If so, don’t be afraid to share in the comments below! I’d love to hear your
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