What's it like being a teenage writer, you ask? (Or, maybe you didn't ask, but I'm going to continue anyway . . .)
I'd like to say that it's filled with adventure and excitement at every turn, but in reality it's just sitting at a computer and helping other people (who are apparently "not real") go on adventures and face excitement. Let's start with a basic overview, shall we?
1. Wake up at around eleven, groggy because I stayed up until 3 AM last night
2. Lay in bed scrolling through Facebook for twenty minutes
3. Finally convince myself to get some breakfast
4. Eat said breakfast
5. Read. A lot. Like, probably for two-five hours. Maybe longer.
6. Realize that I should be writing
7. Get distracted by television for thirty minutes while eating lunch
8. Convince self to go write
9. Get sidetracked by blog, writing a few blog posts ahead to make sure I have them ready
10. Eat dinner
11. At around nine or ten, get serious about writing and get so sucked in that it's once again 3 in the morning and I have yet to try to go to sleep.
12. Reluctantly turn off computer, congratulating self on writing progress, and get some sleep
13. Repeat
This is exaggerated, but I think you get my point. The life of a writer is so much more exciting in my head! I get to do everything my characters do - and it's thrilling.
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