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1.God comes first
2.It’s okay to ask
3.You must burst into song
at least once daily
4.There is a movie quote
for everything
5.No need to be
competitive, just have fun
6.You always go to church,
and there’s no excuse not to
7.Go ahead and have
8.Cooking with mom is fun
9.If Mom uses your middle
name when addressing you, you know you’re in big trouble
10.Every time parents use
your name when speaking to you, the first thing you ask is “What did I do this
11.You shouldn’t force hugs
on people. . . but Grace will do it anyway
12.Dad gets the comfy chair
13.Whether we say it out
loud or not, there is assigned seating at the breakfast table
14.Family time is important
15.When Mom is reading, the
rest of the world no longer exists
16.Puzzles are fun
17.We are beautiful children
of God
18.Personal devotions are a
19.“If Mama ain’t happy,
ain’t nobody happy”
20.Siblings are special
21.“Just because you say no
offense, doesn’t mean I’m not offended”
22.Follow your dreams… if
they’re God’s too
23.Listen to the Holy
Spirit, because, just because you’re young, doesn’t mean that He can’t speak to
24.You can always talk about
25.Always make room for
26.If you know the Thai word
for the word you want to use, you use it, even if you’re speaking in English.
“Can you pass me the kluay?”
27.You always close the
cupboard door… except that nobody ever does
28.We talk to the computers
29.You’re supposed to keep
your room clean, but you never really do
30.Your brother is the “good
child”, your sister is the “funny child” and Grace is the “complaining child”
31.No balls inside the house…
unless Dad’s playing with you
32.Just go with it
33.If your sister’s an
extrovert, go do something with her
34.Grace shouldn’t spend all
her life watching Doctor Who and Star Trek, but that doesn’t mean she won’t
35.Laughter is contagious
36. No talking to strangers... unless you're visiting a church
37. It's not weird if people have a picture of you on their refrigerator
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