Thanks so
much for joining me today, Dreams! I’m thrilled to get started, and to get to know you more. Like your brother, you were thrown out of your home and forced to find your way back without
the use of the powers - which were taken away from you when you were banished, correct?
How did you feel about it at the time? Wasn’t too happy ‘bout it to start out but, I mean, it’s cool now. You know, it kinda worked out for the best in the end.
How did you feel about it at the time? Wasn’t too happy ‘bout it to start out but, I mean, it’s cool now. You know, it kinda worked out for the best in the end.
Right. So,
your younger brother controls endings. What do you control?
Uh . . . dreams.
Be a little
more specific, could you? Sure, I guess. I control all sorts of dreams. The kind at night, the kind that
makes you go after your passions, the kind that makes you think of
that big mansion you'll get one day or the family you'll have. You know, whatever.
Do you enjoy
your work? Yeah!
Lots of cool things I can do with this power. I'm lucky to have it.
How do you get along with your family?
How do you get along with your family?
Pretty good. I mean, Endings and I've always had our arguments and stuff, but since the trip he’s been a little more
likable, you know? Everyone else’s great, too.
Do you have a
sibling you spend the most time with? Probably my older bro, Time. We’re total opposites, but we
get along okay. My brother Life’s cool, too, but I mostly hang out with
How old are
Little older than Endings?
Thanks for that enlightening information . . .If you could go back Deerdren all over again, and repeat the experience the exact same way, would you?

Oh, right!
Where’s your palace situated? One of the four moons. I can see Father’s place from mine.
How would you react if you were put in a situation where you could die?
Eh, no use stressing about it. It’ll
work out okay.
Have you ever
been in a life and death situation? Because, for the most part, that’s not how
actual people react when put in that place . . . Yeah, I’ve been in some. Like I said,
it’ll all be good. No worries, dude. I mean, worrying doesn't make the situation any better, does it?
Well, I guess not . . . Do you have
any hobbies?
Oh man, I love playing the guitar.
What do you like about it? Keeps me calm. Gives me something to focus on when I’m getting kinda stressed, you know?
Do you think
you changed at all over the course of your time on Deerdren?
Oh, yeah. We all did. We learned to
live with each other better, and I figured out Endings isn’t all that bad. We all
get along better now, even if it isn't perfect 24/7.
Why didn’t
you get along before? .
. . Reasons that were . . . well, to be honest, they were pretty dumb. I held some stuff against him that I, ah, I
just really shouldn’t have. On Deerdren, I realized I was being a jerk. We
hang out more since coming back, cause I’ve stopped focusing on what he did, and
he’s forgiven me for, uh, being so . . . stupid.
You know, I, uh, I really hate to break it off
so soon and all, but I’ve got work to do. See you later, guys!
Right. Thanks
for stopping by, Dreams!
What do you think of Dreams? What about
his personality stands out to you? Tell me in the comments below or on my Facebook page, Julia Witmer,
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