Recently, I’ve been doing what I call “Character Guest Posts,” based off of a great idea Melissa Gravitis had on her blog – you should go check hers out!
So far, I’ve done Guest Posts for Endings and Dreams, and today I’m going to do their older brother, Time. Let’s
get to know him some, shall we?
Time! Thanks for joining me today – I really appreciate it. I’m super excited to
get started. So, you and your brothers were thrown out of your Father’s house
and onto Deerdren - the planet below - after having your powers taken away from
you. You were then forced to try and make your way back to your Father with the
help of your brothers, and a few others along the way, right?
It was a long and troublesome time, but I think we all came out better after.
see. So, your other brothers control endings and dreams – I assume that means
you control time. Would you mind explaining what that’s like, and what your
limitations are?

there any hardships that come with the job of being time that most people don’t
know about? I’d venture to guess that most people
would think my job pretty easy. It seems like an enjoyable one, too. But, in a
way, it has its own burdens. By choosing how long something will last – which
is something Endings and I have to speak together about and agree upon
rationally – I am basically making
Endings do his job. Before, that might not have bothered me much, but recently,
since returning from the trip, I feel bad for it. He’s never cared for his job,
you know.
yeah. That makes sense.
old are you?
around four years older than Dreams, although physically I appear as if I’m in
my mid to late twenties.
does that work, exactly? I mean, Endings looks like he’s eighteenish, Dreams
looks like he’s in his early twenties – but you’re all thousands of years old.
Why does it work like that? That’s easily answered, actually.
We appear physically the way we think. So, mentally, Endings thinks like an
eighteen-year-old, while I think like a twenty-five to twenty-seven-year-old.
your Father’s palace is floating in space – where’s yours?
is nowhere as extravagant as Father’s. I live in a long-forgotten clearing in
the middle of a forest in the Dwarven Section.
you have anyone that you really admire, and if so, why do you admire them so
He’s very wise and patient, and he always has been. He was even strong enough
to give up his powers to his kids, to keep himself from becoming corrupt! I
admire him greatly.
there anything in your past you wish you could change?
way I treated others – just in general. I was a very selfish person before being
stuck on Deerdren, and I’ve definitely changed for the better.
you have any hobbies?
What is it about chess that you enjoy? Well, I enjoy the time I get to spend with whoever plays with me – usually Life, but sometimes even Dreams or Endings will join in. I also find it relaxing, and I enjoy strategizing, so it’s a good game for me.
you said that you’d “changed for the better.” Becoming less selfish was one of
the areas you said you’d grown in – were there any other things that have
changed since coming back?
gotten better at staying calm and not losing my temper so easily – although I
will admit that I’m nowhere close to being perfect, and there’s still room for
improvement. According to Endings, I’ve stopped being a sycophant; of course,
me being me, I wouldn’t say I was a sycophant at all . . .
than that, my relationship with other people in general has definitely
improved, and I’m better at coming across as a normal, not so uptight and annoying
person – not that I’m saying I ever was in the first place.
Well, uh, I hate to do this and all, but Endings and I had an agreed upon time and . . . Well, I'm going to get going now. See you all later!
Well, uh, I hate to do this and all, but Endings and I had an agreed upon time and . . . Well, I'm going to get going now. See you all later!
What do you think of Time? What about
his personality stands out to you? Tell me in the comments below, or on my
Facebook page Julia Witmer, Author!
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