Today, I actually have a question for you.
I know, it's a bit odd.
The thing is, though I love writing blog posts, I've been struggling with what I should write. So I decided, "why not ask the people who are reading them?" Makes sense, right?
I've got a few subjects that I could write about, and I really want you to tell me the truth about what you enjoy reading most, and what you would enjoy seeing (whether I've written things like that before or not). Don't just read it and brush it off - give me your input!
Okay, here goes. I could write about . . .
1) My Books
This is probably one of my favorites to write about, because it's what I'm the most passionate about (second to God, of course). This includes things like my Character Guest Posts, and anything else I happen to come up with. If you want things like this, give me specifics! Do you want to know about characters? Setting? Word count? Story line?
2) My Writing Process

3) What I'm Planning to Do With My Writing
A lot of people write for fun, but for me I write differently. I write because I want to go into that as a career. I could talk about the processes I'm going through, recent things I've researched about writing, etc.
4) MK Life
What it's like to live overseas! This is a bit tougher to write about because it's actually not that different from any normal person's life. But I could still try, giving you updates and such on strange things that I've seen lately, restaurants I like to go to, different Thai traditions, etc.
5) Favorite Reads
I am a reader. I could suggest books that I've enjoyed, or a few favorite authors of mine.
6) What I've Been Up To
This would by far be the most boring thing to post about, as I'm not the most interesting person. But I'm sure I could figure something out - like actually getting out of the house and doing something so I have things to report ;)
7) Short Stories
I've never been one to write that many short stories, but I have written a few. If that's something people would actually enjoy reading, I wouldn't mind sharing a few!
8) Memories
I mean, I do actually have memories. A lot of 'em.
So here's what we're going to do. I want you to honestly answer which you would prefer hearing about. If you have more than one, that's totally fine! Tell me in the comments or on my Facebook page Julia Witmer, Author. Don't be shy - I need your help!
If there's something I haven't mentioned that you'd like to hear about, tell me, and include specifics!
What would you like to hear about?
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