Life! It’s nice to have you here today. I’m excited to get to know you more!
Now, if I remember correctly, you and your brothers were cast from your Father’s
palace and onto Deerdren. You then had to find your way back without the use of
your powers, right?
Hello, Grace. I'm glad to be here today. And, yes, that
is correct. It was a troubling time, and I wasn't the happiest during the trip. However, afterword, I realized that it was for my best, and
the best for my brothers.
your other brothers control various things, and I naturally assume that you
control life. But, what sort of life do you control? Could you dive a bit
deeper into the topic?
Yes, of course. I do control life, but that is not narrowed down to a single kind of life. It includes human life, the life of an idea, machinery, a new kind of food, a plant, a new kingdom – almost anything you could think
you like your job? Yes! I
could not imagine myself in another position. I wouldn’t trade my job for the world.
about it do you like? I like being able to bring happiness
to Deerdren – to see the joy on other people’s faces. It is the most wonderful
feeling in the world.
the oldest sibling, correct?
A few years older than Time, though not by much. I do look like I could be . . . oh,
I’d say twenty years older than he, but looks can be deceiving.
said that you look the way you think mentally. Do you consider yourself to be
wise and experienced – or, older, as some might see it? Well
. . . maybe a little, yes. I am thousands
of years old, though, so I believe that I’ve earned the right.
in your family has a palace located somewhere random near or on Deerdren.
Where’s yours? What do you like about its location?
My palace is located in the sky, but can't be seen from the ground. I believe it’s an
ideal location, because I can see much from where I am, without
having to use powers and energy. I enjoy seeing the bustle of the cities underneath me.
wouldn’t your palace get run into or something? What about planes? Um
. . . what is a . . . “plane?”
I guess that answers my question . . . Do you consider yourself to have any
than my job? I haven’t really thought about it before . . . I suppose I’m a
good leader. I can organize things, and I’m quite used to being the one to give
orders and being the one in charge.
you’re making decisions, do you tend to choose based on logic or emotions?
Logic. I’m sure someone out there disagrees with me on that, but I'm quite confident that my decisions are usually based on logic. However, in some areas, it would depend on the
Are there any lessons in life you’ve had to learn the hard way?
am not actually perfect. I’d
convinced myself for a long while that I was, and it clouded my judgement . . .
I'm not really comfortable going any deeper into the subject.
No problem! Do you have any hobbies?
I do enjoy painting. There
are a few other de-stressors in my life, but I believe that is the first thing I
go to, to calm myself.
you think you changed at all on your journey with your brothers?
All of us did. None of us walked away without learning something from it.
did you learn? Well, as I said before, that I’m far from
perfect. I also learned that I needed to stop judging others while ignoring my own faults – nobody is stainless; not even me.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Life! I enjoyed the time that we had to get to know you, and I hope I'll see you again some time!
It was my pleasure. Thank you for asking me.
It was my pleasure. Thank you for asking me.
do you think of Life? What about his personality stands out to you? Do you
agree with any particular passing comments he might have made? Tell me in the comments below, or
on my Facebook page Julia Witmer, Author!
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